ULTIMATE BUNDLE: Poppy Luxe Nappy Bag, Cabin Bag & Stroller Organiser Black Scuba & Rose Gold
Introducing the Poppy Luxe Ultimate Bundle in black & rose gold. This luxurious bundle includes a Poppy Luxe convertible nappy bag, our 2 wheel hospital/travel bag and a matching stroller organiser, making it the PERFECT gift for any expecting parent.
With its eye-catching design and premium quality, this bundle helps ensure that you'll be baby ready, in style and can plan for family travels with ease!
- Poppy Luxe Scuba Nappy Bag Black & Rose Gold
- Cabin Scuba Travel Bag in Black & Rose Gold
- Stroller Organiser Luxe Black & Rose Gold
* Accessories included as below:
- Hanging organiser
- Packing block
- Change mat with padding & pocket
- Matching insulated FAB bag (food & bottle)
- Detachable velcro stroller clips
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