We would love to share with you this beautiful article by Hayley, a British travel writer and producer living in Sydney. Hayley has a huge passion for food, diving and adventure travel and has shared what she thinks are the essentials for travelling with a baby!
The article which has been published on her blog "A Lovely Planet", includes some great tips for parents on -
🖤 Flying with a Baby
🖤 Essential Baby Items for a flight
🖤 Sleeping on the Go
🖤 Getting Around with Baby
🖤 Best Nappy Bags for travelling with a Baby - and you guessed it! Our Storksak St James Leather features as her favourite bag for nice occasions like lunches out or weddings when you have your bub with you.
🖤 Other Must Have Baby Travel Items
There are so many fabulous tried and tested tips in Hayley's article and we encourage you to check this out if you have planned or are planning a holiday or short trip away with your family.
Click here to Visit A Lovely Planet Blog
We hope that you enjoy Hayley's article!
Our best advise to parents is to enjoy this special time away with your family and roll with the days!
Love the Team at Storksak xx